road user

External links to other websites

Welcome to our External links page, we hope this proves helpful in assisting you in providing independent sources of information and advice, but feel free to contact us if you are still unsure.

The Health and Safety Executive, based in Bootle, near Liverpool, but with offices all around the country, has a valuable host of reliable information to ensure you not only comply with current legislation, but exceed that level. Obtain advisory leaflets and booklets from this site, today. Are you up to date?

Take a look at the following Government archive file On Driving for Work. This was archived in September 2009, and still holds true today, are you up to date?

If your planning to drive around America on your next holiday (vacation) then the children of Tri-Mountain Charter School in Minnesota, would dearly love to recommend this website, to help you drive safely around the states. Our best wishes and thanks to them for their input.

Sometimes it can be a benefit to see what other countries are doing, here is an American website which covers the controversial topic of driving whilst using a mobile (cell) phone, which has been proven to be the equivalent of driving whilts under the influence, due to the distractive nature of the call. Well worth taking a peek at AN AMERICAN WEBSITE REGARDING MOBILE PHONE USE WHILST DRIVING

The Driving Instructors Association, are a valuable source of information, who also maintain a register of your local approved driving instructors, including those with specialist qualifications.

The Occupational Road Safety Alliance, of which SADE Limited are members, promote road safety and training.

Visit the THINK Road Safety Website for more information on Road Safety Issues for all road users.

Visit the BRAKE Road Safety Charity Website for more information on the good work they do on behalf of pedestrians and all other road users.

Visit the COURSE FOR ME site for additional information on training cousrses from other training providers.

Visit the Brigade Electronics Website to view details of reversing aids for large goods vehicles.

30mph logo

Need help to stop the most common type of accident occurring? Use this highly visible sign on the back of your vehicles to deter other drivers from getting too close or tailgating. Sit back from the screen and watch the image change. Visit the TailGuardian Website to place an order, or to make enquiries for a bespoke sign for your fleet.

Take a look at FLEET DIRECTORY for the latest news for all fleet operators.

One of our longest allies in the training world TRAINING DIRECTORY CO UK supplies information on other training organisations and the courses they offer

For locating key personnel go to Linked-in and find the person with all the experience and qualifications you require

The Vans best practice programme giving information on fuel economy and best practice for small to medium goods van drivers and operators.

The Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents, a national safety organisation covering all aspects of safety on the road and in the home to assist in accident prevention.

For information on the National Diploma in Advanced Driving Instruction awarded by BTEC through ROSPA DIPLOMA

Contact us now for free advice about your training requirements, or just call
T 0151 708 6089. M 0719 942250.
SADE [Safety And Driver Education] Limited
90 Mariners Wharf, South Ferry, Liverpool L3 4DH, MERSEYSIDE

Multimap location of SADE Limited

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