The Health & Safety Executive are actively encouraging this form of training due to an extremely high number of accidents within this sector. It is their advice that you only reverse when there is no other method. The use of one way systems will reduce the amount of reversing required. Reverse only where allowed in specially designated areas, where there no other pedestrians around. Only use a banksman who has been trained, and remains visible at all times.
Please take time to read the HSE Waste collection driving guide
View this example of a recent industrial accident within the Mersey area, taken from the HSE website it shows a recent prosecution. Make sure it does not happen to your organisation.
It is not a legal requirement in the U.K. to have a banksman, when reversing a company vehicle, but it may be company policy to do so. All activities carried out by a company must be risk assessed to prevent harm to their staff and others, this includes members of the public. If you do not have a company policy on reversing or a risk assessment, then you may be liable for a fine or prosecution. The onus is generally on the driver to ensure when, and if it is safe to reverse, and the onus is on the company to ensure as far as reasonably practical, that measures are put in place to ensure the safety and welfare of their staff and others( members of the public etc ) either in work premises or on the road.
The consequences of getting it wrong! for all the world to see, and deal with!
This course is best run for groups of four personnel, i.e. using one crew of four per lorry, after a short theory session which informs the driver to learn and understand his or her responsibilities, and then the remainder of the crew get to do the same, finishing with a short fun quiz to reinforce the main points of learning.
Each individual then gets the chance to make a risk assessment, under controlled conditions, to either drive or guide the vehicle into a number of reversing or manouevering scenarios, whilst maintaining safety for themselves and others, as well as looking after the public, your vehicle, and your company's reputation.
The course can be split for drivers only, or just for banksman if required. Two crews per day will reduce the cost of the training. Early starts are not a problem. Stephen Blenkinsop our trainer, has done this work with several organisations throughout his varied career, In Merseyside Fire and Rescue (circa 1980), for Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (circa 2006) and with Sefton and Gwynedd Councils (circa 2007).
If you have been tasked with preparing this training for a number of your staff members, and wish to purchase our training package for exclusive use in your organisation, then contact us for rates and details.It includes a PowerPoint presentation, notes, exercises, a quiz and training aids.Alternatively, you may wish to have us train up a few of your own key and experienced staff to conduct this training in-house at your own pace.