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Van and Light Goods Vehicles Courses

White Van Man and the light goods vehicle driver have a difficult a task on todays busy roads, along with the pressures of the job, it can often lead to frustration and the formation of bad habits through cutting corners.
  1. All courses have been risk assessed.
  2. Training session plans are available for inspection.
  3. All courses can be adapted to suit your organisational training needs.
  4. Helps ensure compliance by providing risk assessments and training.
  5. Reversing can be a difficult manouevere in vans and this is covered.

This is a course designed to help those people who use anything from a car derived van, up to a three and a half tonner goods vehicle. There is no doubt that "white van man" has a difficult task on todays modern congested roads, our aim is to ensure that all drivers are made aware of their responsbilities when using a liveried vehicle.

A common fault is not being licensed to drive certain categories of vehicles, use the following guide to help you determine drivers licencing.

D100 Driving Licence Information Booklet

The special needs of this responsible job are taken into account and we will look at defensive driving, legal obligations, vehicle checks, routing, loading and parking, eco-driving, reversing and many other issues that may be identfied and need addressing after a brief intial assessment.

This course also provides the organisation with a full risk assessment of the driver, and is part of Occupational Road Risk Training

Contact us now for free advice to discuss your training requirements, or just call
T 0151 708 6089. M 07719 942250

Try one of our sponsors for that best value approach to insurance
Van insurance from eVan Insurance

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